Wrath of Fool (Worldwide Right to Fools)
Beware handling this material, sensitive glands create portion of Fool poison which can be traced even in minute quantities, in instant scan when copied or innocently stolen by any other person who claims not to be a Fool. And Fools please do not hesitate to acknowledge www.FooltoFool.com when referring to any part of this awareness.
Charter of the Confederation of Fools
A Fool felt lonely and was looking for another Fool to share abundance of inquisitive awareness without confirmation. He found a similar Fool and both realised it was worth nothing to confirm to each other unless they have somebody who can justify their contemplation. With great effort they found a Global Fool who rejected them, saying, “I don’t address a small audience”. They considered this to be a serious issue and they found Fool 2Fool. Now it was time to stay on same level and use their resourcefulness packed with enormous knowledge for the greater world and the outcome was a joint venture FooltoFool and Global Fool together with Fool2Fool and this is the outcome which is being presented to you with only one purpose, that you should not get influenced, carried away or so-called intelligent to start the world in another unknown direction since there is no end to such diverse approach in the existing world. Unfortunately until you read this to understand and be capable of confirming, you will not qualify to be a member of this joint venture, so pay attention, stop thinking, just be in mindFool act to enable yourself to be on board.
Caution. All Fools should be aware not to colonise intelligent world.
Is. 18 December 2011 on inauguration.
Foolology . . . . . .
If you are a qualified idiot and confirmed stupid, more than that is not necessarily possible, therefore don’t even try to consume your energy to enhance your existing status of added values, or try to be something else (probably so-called intelligent and ‘but’ wise). If you stay within the limitations of so-called normality, just live it. Aren’t we all trying to prove, or confirm one way or the other, our superiority in the fashion of comparison, that we all are a much better provider of Fool for thought every moment of the day?
Foolosothy . . . . . .
Is the virtue of totality that breeds in the common sense, created through Foolology.
Foolexibility . . . . . .
Being able to digest nonsense in the mask of so-called wisdom and without using a single word, reacting to such an approach as if nothing happened.
Foolability . . . . . .
Zigzag is the outcome of a straight line that only Fools can recognise through their Foolability recognising process since they always live in everything with nothing and in nothing with everything, therefore no process is as complicated as it can be and it is the most easiest way to accept it, and so for Fool’s, complication is the straightforwardness for which they have advantage among non-Fool’s.
Foolsification . . . . . .
It is a matter of acceptance following rejection, since the discussion can continue and it is therefore different from where it started and Fool causes the continuation of the discussion and if others claim responsibility for such added value, to establish Fool’s authority, Fool can deny their claims against their so-called superiority, as such a thing never exists because it has no past, no present, no future and it is a matter of non-authentic personalities to justify what cannot be proven and is hidden behind a mask of superficial reality, therefore the Foolsification of claims prevails in all aspects of discussion.
Fellowship of Foolology
All those humble beings with desire to follow the commonality of common sense without any fringes of intelligence, to maintain purity of original authentic thoughts without any compromise and able to defend through explanation of simplicity in the order of acceptance, of person to person viable thoughts in variable comprehension of acceptance, able to maintain difference of opinion with an understanding, are the original souls that practise the art of humanity. In their approach, there are no egocentric hurdles, selflessness is supreme and they are open to involvement in any situation arising in the pastures of life in all weathers, to accommodate one and all without prejudice or misconception and they can be considered the building blocks of the Fellowship of Foolology.
Appeal to Desire
O, Fool’s of the world march ahead and ahead, keep marching until the summit is out of sight because you are standing on it and be glorified.
Principal of Fools’ Awareness
When the two Fools meet to confirm to each other, “you are not a Fool”. This is the extreme height of awareness which cannot be shared or indulged without being part of the totality of common sense.
Fool’s Hat (with or without brains, but definitely mindFool)
Always deny what you read or understand but never hesitate to jump into the discussion and avoid everybody to get unto conclusions. If you fail, don’t be surprised talking to likeminded people and not achieving anything but being satisfied with the results.
Tools for Fools
To carry the grey matter intact under the hat and being able to grind in tandem with one and all, in each and every situation, not only as and when necessary, but always as a practise of life equal to any dedicated culture or fate.
Simplicity of Fools
Who cares, when nothing matters, everything is Shakespeare’s comedy of error, follow the flow, never look back, future was yesterday, tomorrow is today and today there is no time if you are busy in what you are doing. All elements fall in the diversity of happenings and realisations.
Comprehensive Approach
Fool doesn’t have to be right since he knows everything and should not pity others who know little and pretend to be everything. So it happens all the time and so shall it be and who are we to penetrate so-called Fools who don’t qualify to be in our class.
Pay Attention
Never make any decision after getting into sleep and being woken up, or in plain words; during the sleep your mindFoolness could be very dangerous in those sensitively active periods.
Scope of Being
Your humble superiority will be completely denied which shall confirm that your own, are never capable of recognising your principles and values and for yourself you should always stay away from so called intelligence because it may influence the purity of life you want to lead.
Where to find Fools
Wherever you meet people who think their decisions will lead the world and change the enigma of prosperity through destruction to betterment of this world, professional society is the nursery to breed such species. The element of growth is their continuous failure and denial through their subversive approach.
Fool’s notion of aggression is always considered through the eye of a needle, since everything can be, could be, possibly may be meaningful unless and until the meaninglessness virtue of it is eliminated on the Fool’s highway of simplicity without creating an accident with an undesirable and ignoring the reality of disaster for instant glory.
Experience of a Fool
If non-Fool’s have a problem in being not able to accept the truth, why they may not be considered to be punished for their intentional innocence. This will make them eligible to go through the process to be accepted as a student of Foolology to eliminate their Foolishness and then be considered a qualified Fool.
Temperament of a Fool
Prove to be forgetful and claim it to be a strategy and without any remorse just continue in no direction and claim the matter is resolved and consider to have done everything right and have pity for the others involved in a wrong way and then instantly forgive them and smile. How well Fool has performed.
Polarity of a Fool
Acclimatised mode of approach is the doing of subjects without objectivity and objects without subjectivity. Therefore, one and all are hanging on the same block, but to different sides. Fool likes to drop the block on the one who thinks of his so-called superiority. In Fool’s mind, acceptance is at times easy rejection and that cannot be accepted.
Fool’s Romance
Never let the bug hug you, instead when the situation arises, denial is the virtue of acceptance and still being connected in anticipation of desire to win, is to loose and then claim the certain similarities being recognised in approach, therefore disconnect and claim non-existence of the issue, in the matter of reality and then life continues. Fool’s variability is to be in every situation miles apart but through a telescope of vision almost close enough to kiss.
Fool’s Validation
There is no reason to consider anything more important than the necessity that should self-explain the subject and if not, who cares and life continues until the next time comes when the same rejection will apply, to enormous effort to just reject it. Therefore, if it cannot happen once, it will never happen, why to waste time on so called necessary considerations. Fool cares to, not to care and if Fool is forced, then it is simply a non-Fool issue and as a matter of principle, Fool only indulges in the issues of others when it is unnecessary.
Fool’s Achievement
It is a reality and proven fact that the world has learned more from Fools than from wise men, because the genuineness of Fool’s mind is always very open to; never to hesitate to try anything and not to shy from the results, even when the world may think otherwise. Whereas the wise man is always hesitant and because of his fear for failure to be ridiculed, is never open unless he is capable of being recognised for he has achieved to gain name and fame. Therefore the contribution of Fool is prime to the wisdom and assumption of being in this world, whereas the wise man is waiting to be recognised and confirmed by the other so-called glorified wise men, unfortunately who are not in majority, while willing to be one with each other.
How grateful the world should be for the simplicity and openness of Fool who is willing to share his experience without expecting anything in return and through this, Fool becomes an open source of knowledge and the world has attained wisdom from School of Fools.
Note: The so-called preachers of modern philosophy of management talk about, “out of the box approach”.
Fool’s Oath
I, the Fool hereby declare in my all Foolishness that I shall always maintain to sustain my Folosothy in the very core sense of Foolology through Foolexibiliy on all the unknown planets of the cosmos and not on the known Planets because non-Fools adhere to so-called intelligence and that interferes with the principles of Foolology. In addition to my moral worthiness, I am always willing to share what I don’t possess and refuse to accept what others don’t have, to maintain a common factor relationship, whatever it may be.
In the nature of a Fool, to share is to give away everything that Fool does not possess and be happy. Still, it is not considered a generosity but a fundamental responsibility.
Submission for Clarification
Fool’s contention of desire for confirmation is an automation of realisation through unpredictability for continuation in response to whatever, however, whenever comes in the way.
School of Fool
The process of adopting most common thought is considered through Foolosothy of Foolology through implementation of ultimate Foolexibility.
O, Dear Fools, Something to Remember.
Fool’s have responsibility for the very common minority of non-Fool’s in this world.
Such as:
What is the difference between a zebra and a donkey? Zebra has stripes, whereas donkey is not blessed with the strips. Many thanks to the designer of the stripes. He has left undisclosed hidden message in the statement of stripes and that reality is, stripes say it all and that is, Zebra is the donkey in pyjamas. So also are the so-called professional, personified, intelligent, superior and experts in mismanagement and we should not fail to recognise what they are trying to prove in their thin striped elegant suits. After all, it is our moral responsibility to be aware of our surroundings and not to allow them to overreact, to pollute and influence the domain of the Fool’s.
The people of the world are hereby informed to tune their common sense, or senseless virtues in accordance with the declaration of the Confederation of Fools hereby submitted for their benefit and assistance to help in their being, the world, power and the disasters, to the best of their abilities by following the guidelines hereby mentioned in the Charter of the Confederation of Fools as moral obligation and responsibilities to Foolfil the liabilities they will incur in their subconscious behaviour in day to day life. This shall result in preventing the massive social pollution through so-called professionalism and mismanagement.
Yardstick to Methodology
To confirm your ability to understand this purposeful declaration, here is the yardstick to judge your justification.
If you ask to a so-called intelligent person what is 2 and 2, the instant response would be 4. It is as good as showing a dog a stone and not expecting to bark, but dog barks, therefore so-called intelligent person says 4.
A qualified Fool contemplates 2 is 2, it cannot changed and why should it be changed since 2 will always remain 2 and therefore 2 and 2 is 22.
Now the result is, the difference between the two opinions is 18 and it is a big gap.
Please find out where you stand and how can you fill the gap. Your realisation will enhance your credibility to understand, otherwise you have to realign and become a student of Foolology and through Foolosothy and Foolexibility, learn the universal understanding, or Foolsify yourself.
SO SHALL IT BE……………………